Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Travel Day

July 7, 2010 4:00 AM

I can't believe I'm up at this time of the morning, sitting at the computer, attempting to write my first 'blog'. My brain is fuzzy, but since I can't sleep, I thought I would try to do something productive. The good news is that by the time we finish dinner on the plane I may be so exhausted I might actually sleep. The bad news is that if I'm true to form, I won't sleep at all and will be a real-life zombie by the time we land in Paris at 4:00 PM tomorrow (that's 7:00 AM PDT, I think).

I hope you all check this blog periodically. I'll try to post news and pictures every day (no guarantees) as Rich and I meander our way across France. The itinerary we've planned takes us to Paris, the French Alps, the French Riviera, Provence (lavender fields and ??), Dordogne (prehistoric caves), Normandy and the D-Day beaches, and finally a week-long bike ride through the Loire valley to visit many of France's most impressive chateaux.

I may even get Rich to post a blog or two along the way. You may get to hear him complain about all the "quarter-mile" hikes I take him on and his sore bum during our Loire valley bike rides. For those of you not familiar with his Christmas letters, I promise it will be entertaining.

OK, so much for my first blog. I'll give you all an update once we land in Paris.


  1. Hi Pam and Richard:

    I wanted to be your first post on your first blogspot. Richard, where are you when I need you? Hopefully this will post now! I had some issues, but I think I figured it out.

    Have an awesome trip to France! Be nice to Richard, Pam. He's very brave to ride a bike across the French countryside. I'll be thinking about you this afternoon and evening on your long flight over. Love you both, Patti

  2. Hope you have a safe and smooth flight.

  3. Mother, why were you up so early!! Crazy woman. Have a safe and wonderful trip. Love you guys. And you better post pictures as you go.

  4. Hope you had a great flight over. I am very jealous!! Send lost of pictures and tell us what you're up to!!



  5. Hey. Got the package today. Will be reading Kat one of the books this evening.

    Sorry we missed you Morgan, hopefully you can make it down next time.
