Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bike Tour Day 4, July 28

It's hard to believe we've already completed 4 days of our cycling trip! Today was a long day, although the total mileage (36) wasn't any more than other days, but our lunch and sightseeing stops took longer than on previous days.
We first visited a private chateau for a wine tasting and lunch (the owner of the chateau also gave us a lesson in wine production). From there, we rode to the Loire valley's most famous chateau, the Chateau de Chenonceau, and had an hour-long guided tour through the chateau. By the time we finished wandering around the chateau and gardens it was 5:00 and we still had another 9 miles to ride to get to our hotel. After a few wrong turns along the way and my insistence that we walk our bikes the last .5 mile to our hotel because we were in the middle of rush hour traffic and it was scarier than hell trying to navigate the narrow streets with bumber-to-bumper cars, we finally arrived at our hotel @ 6:30, sore and weary.

Rich and I are definitely starting to feel fatigue in our legs. My bike riding is getting much better though. I now have the balance where I can signal fairly well when turning and I'm actually enjoying the hill climbs (I can't believe I really said that). I haven't quite mastered the trick of being able to drink from my water bottle while riding, though. I tried it the other day and almost fell off my bike as I was trying to put the water bottle back in its holder without taking my eyes off the road.

One other thing that's come of this bike trip - I swear to God Rich and I now have permanent cable grease mark tattoos on our legs. Mine are primarily on the back of my right calf, but Rich seems to get them everywhere (those are his legs in the picture, by the way).

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