Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chamonix to Antibes, July 13

Not much to comment on today, as we spent @ 9 hours in the car traveling from Chamonix in the French Alps to Antibes on the French Riviera. We took a lot of winding backroads through mountains upon mountains and, although the scenery was gorgeous, we didn't stop for pictures. At times, we began to wonder if we were on the right road as the mountains never seemed to stop, but eventually we crested the last hill and saw the sparkling blue Mediterranean in front of us.

I initially thought today's travels were an improvement over our trek to Chamonix: we only had 4-5 near death, heart-in-your-throat experiences. But then we entered the town of Antibes (during rush hour traffic, no less) and found ourselves going around and around in circles trying to navigate the one-way streets and traffic zipping in and out all around us. The French obviously have different driving customs, one being that they don't pull over or stop for emergency vehicles. When Rich stopped for an ambulance, we had the entire town honking their horns at us. That, coupled with me yelling at him to just "GO" probably made his day.

Once we found our hotel, however, everything immediately got better. It's in a very tranquil setting, in a quiet neighborhood. The picture posted today is a shot from our bedroom window.

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