Thursday, July 29, 2010

Bike Tour Day 5, July 29

Today was our last full day of riding and I can honestly say both Rich and I are sad to see it end. We started our day off with a short ride to Clos Luce, the last home of Leonardo da Vinci and the place where he died. We were able to tour his bedroom and study and gardens. There was also a room filled with models of his flying machines and war implements (the first tank design, etc.). It was all very fascinating.

From Clos Luce, we rode @ 14 miles to a winery for a wine tasting, a tour of the wine caves, and a picnic lunch. Rich and I both agree that the Backroads picnic lunches are our favorite. Today we had 3 different kinds of salads, 3 different kinds of cheeses, crusty French bread, and a French pastry filled with either sausage or spinach and leeks. For dessert, we had a delicious apple tart and macarons. I'm still eating WAY too much food. Even 3-4 hours of bike riding a day isn't enough to work off all the calories. After lunch we took a beautiful 15-mile ride through the rolling countryside filled with vineyards. I think it was one of my favorite rides all week.

Tonight we're having our farewell dinner and then we have an optional 13 mile ride tomorrow morning. Rich and I are thinking we'd like to take the bikes out one more time.

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