Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bike Tour Day 6, July 30

We took our last bike ride early this morning through the countryside outside Amboise. It was a beautiful 13-mile ride, but very hilly. I feel a little soreness/tiredness in my legs when walking around (especially climbing stairs), but when I get on the bike, my weariness goes away. I wonder how long it will take for my legs to feel normal again.

The rest of the day was fairly boring. Backroads bussed us back to the St. Pierre de Corps train station where we caught a high-speed TGV train to Paris. Once we hit the train station in Paris, Rich and I expertly navigated the Metro system to get to our hotel. We still had to lug our bags up and down stairs, but we seem to have figured out the best way to do this. We checked into our hotel and then immediately set out for a laundromat, as we had an entire week's worth of dirty clothes to wash. The only good thing about spending half the afternoon in a laundromat is that we discovered a street market just a few blocks from our hotel.

We spent the evening at the Eiffel Tower. I had made reservations for the elevator ride at 8:00, which meant we didn't have to stand in line waiting to buy tickets (although we did have to stand in line for the elevators, which was almost as long). The Eiffel Tower is impressive and when you're at the top you're 900 feet above the ground, with a 360 degree view of Paris. There were so many people though it was claustrophobic! I can't say it was one of my favorite memories, but at least I can say I did it.

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