Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Beynac to Amboise, July 21

Today was another travel day, but with no fun excursions along the way. Shortly after we left Beynac, I started feeling sick, so Rich just drove straight to Amboise (4.5 hour drive), while I tried to sleep. Once we checked into the hotel, I slept some more. I finally started feeling better @ 6:00 PM and we wandered around the town a little and had dinner at a little Italian restaurant (remind me not to do that again while in France!).

One interesting thing of note is that for the last few days we've been seeing cornfields everywhere (I'd think we were in the midwest if the terrain was flatter). What we discovered the other day is that the corn isn't being grown for human consumption, but for geese! The Dordogne area is famous for their foie gras and this is what they force feed the poor geese before they slaughter them.

As you can see from the sky in today's picture, the weather hasn't been great and it rained fairly steadily the entire drive north. I guess it matched the way I was feeling! Tomorrow we're off for Mont St. Michel, but hope to visit at least one chateau before we leave the Loire valley. We'll be back again on Sunday to start our bike tour.

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