Thursday, July 15, 2010

Nice, July 15

Today we took the train to Nice and wandered around the old town and up Castle Hill (yes, I made Rich climb more hills, but the views were worth it). We spent some time wandering through Nice's open air market (there's more produce, meat, and cheese variety in the Antibes market, but the Nice flower market is AWESOME). Again, these put our farmers' markets to shame. We ate our way through the town, stopping at various street vendors for socca (a chickpea crepe I thought was delicious, but Rich wasn't as enthusiastic about); fresh strawberries with chocolate sauce drizzled over (it was good, but I think the strawberries would have been just as good without anything on them); and a gelato. Not a very nutritious lunch, but we had a simple dinner of cantaloupe and prosciutto (We still didn't eat our veggies, though, did we?) .

We also wandered along the beachfront. Both Nice and Antibes are topless beaches and Rich would have stayed there all day if I'd let him, but I wanted to see the Chagall museum, and he was willing to go with me. We did hit the Antibes beach after dinner. Rich took a quick swim (still very warm at 9:00 at night) and I waded in the water. It was also fun to do a little bit of people watching: from the couple playing air pong (?), to the extended German/Dutch (?) family playing beach volleyball, to the group of young French adults having a barbeque (hot dogs and hamburgers, no less) on a hitachi grill.

I also wanted to mention that last night (July 14), Rich and I were reading in bed @ 10:30 when we heard a large boom and the sky lit up with fireworks. We had a perfect view of the Antibes fireworks from our balcony!

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